Do you like File & Image Uploader? Developing this program requires a lot of time.
If you want to appreciate this, you can send any amount of money.
File & Image uploader is FREEWARE. You don't have to pay for using it.
But some functions are allowed for REGISTERED users only, because I appreciate any
support. If you donate, you will get your own registration key.
Remember, that you get it for ANY amount. Don't forget to write your name and
e-mail. I will add your name to "THX section" :)
You will get support via e-mail. I will respond as soon as possible and
I will add quite any function that you need.
You will get your own registration key, if you donate more than 3$
(the less it is the bigger are fees on paypal).
The key is for your personal use only, it is nontransferable and it is NOT allowed
to share the key with anyone else.
PLEASE: Provide your user name (you want to be registered to) and your e-mail!
(if not, I will use name and e-mail from PayPal account that sent donation)